Saturday, 30 July 2011

Things can change

Sorry for my delay in writing again, it's been a hectic week or so. Things got bad, and then they got great and now I am feeling good. It's so funny how when you think life is at it's lowest point, something happens to help and it gives you your faith back in the good in the world.

My husband got a promotion so he's getting a significant salary increase and also a company car again which means YAY I will have the use of the car in the day again. I think that is going to make a massive difference to my depression as instead of being housebound I can get out and about, meet new people and go to activities with Noah and generally have fun and not sit around and dwell on the bad stuff all the time. Similarly if he's having a bad day Im not stuck at home having to endure it, we can go out! The extra money will also take the pressure off a bit but most of all Im happy because DH has been recognised for how hard he's worked and he's going to be on quite an impressive salary for someone who didn't go to uni and he's going to have a company car and a lot of responsibility. Im so proud of him. He will have to travel a bit, that will be hard, but we can do it. Before that I was having a terrible week and feeling quite low so it has given me some faith that things can get better, for us both.

Also Ive made a decision today, it's time to stop faffing about and just get on with it and lose the rest of the baby weight. I was doing so well at the beginning, I put on over 25kg in my pregnancy a lot due to big baby and swelling, I had extreme swelling, and a bit of over indulgence on my part I guess, and I was left with about 12 kg to go once all that fell off. I lost 5kg of them by exercising a lot, teaching dancing and being really good with my diet and I was feeling in a good place with my depression. But over the last few months I've stagnated because my depression has been worse and also with the weather changing I haven't been able to walk as much, and my dancing classes dropped a bit as I was covering for someone. But now I'll have a bit more money I can afford to do an exercise class or something so my sister and I are going to do it together. And Im just going to crack down on the food. I eat healthily, my diet is pretty good but sometimes I get overwhelming sugar cravings. I need to find another way to deal with those and just get cracking. Ive got a goal- by November 20, my son's first birthday I am going to be the weight I was when I got pregnant with him- which is 7kg from where I am now. I would love to lose 2 more than that to be at my wedding weight, but the goal is to be back to pre preg by the time he's one. If I have a goal I think it'll be easier. I look at my wedding photos and think man you always thought you were so fat but you didn't appreciate the figure you had or how beautiful you actually were on that day. I was a healthy, normal weight and BMI and fit and active, I don't know why I beat up so much in those days! I don't look tooooo much different now it's just this baby belly that doesn't want to leave. It's time!!!!

Im going to meet a friend for coffee today then spend some time with my husband while Mum and Dad have bub so that's exciting. Im feeling good today I haven't for a while, and I like it :)


  1. It's great to hear you're feeling better! You definately needed something to pick you up and your hubby's promotion was perfect, congrats to him! Yes it isn't until after having a baby that we look back and wonder why we were so hung up about our bodies then when there really wasn't anything wrong with them! Makes you wonder what all that low self-image has done to us, mentally. You will get there, good luck!

  2. Thanks Siobhan. Looking forward to following your blog too! Definitely needed something to change and this was a huge change, it gives me hope again that things don't always have to be hard :)

  3. I'm so glad you have been able to push through and that these awesome things have happened to help you. I just wish more mums had the guts to talk about how difficult being a mum is, then we could actually support each other rather than feeling alone.
    If you work out how to overcome the sugar craving then please share the secret! This is my downfall too :)

  4. Sugar cravings! Before I met my husband I was doing an eating program that cut out sugar completely, and after about a month or so I stopped craving it. Well actually, in the end it wasn't the cravings I got, it was that every time I had anything with sugar in it I felt so physically sick and "high", it was weird! It wasn't worth it that's for sure. I lost heaps of weight though. :P
